Local Information


Cary Lazy Days

Cary is a thriving community in the heart of the Triangle area of North Carolina, between Raleigh and the Research Triangle Park. Cary is repeatedly ranked among the top regions in the country to live or work.

Downtown Cary has recently been transformed into a vibrant cultural center with much to do for the whole family. Since the beginning of the downtown revitalization project, many unique restaurants and businesses have opened their doors and much has been done in terms of beautification.

The most recent and arguably the most impactful renovation to downtown Cary is the town park, which includes a huge fountain that lights up at night and a performance green and stage area. At any time of the day, people of all ages can be seen enjoying each other’s company at the park, whether they are chatting by the fountain or playing foosball, ping pong, or chess at the tables provided by the town. The park is an ideal addition to downtown Cary, as it provides a place for the community to gather.